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1 Mai
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3 Mai
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9 Mai

Report on the ENGLISH DAY 2016

P1050412SM On April 14th, the pupils attending the 4th form, took part in our sixth “English Day”. Their regular timetable was changed, and English was spoken all the morning in different subjects.

  • In the sports lesson Mrs Hochegger and her pupils tested a game called “soft ball”.

    The kids had fun and cheered  their teams on in English.

  • The European Union with all its countries and languages was the topic of Mrs Haberl’s Geography lesson.

  • The topic of the Biology lesson was “The five senses “. Mrs Sommerauer used the new smartboard to show graphics of the sensory organs.

“A Fair World” and what everybody can do for it was subject of Mrs Fischer’s lesson.
The English Day was completed by a highlight: Four actors of “Vienna English Theatre” performed the play “The Fame Game”. It is about Davy and Chloe, who take part in a talent show in order to get famous. In the end, however, they have to realize that the media people just want to take advantage of them.

We think all of the 180 pupils in the hall enjoyed the impressive performance, as all the actors played really excellently. Our pupils want the “Vienna English Theatre” to come to our school again.
They also recommend to carry out an “English Day” again next year, because it`s a special day, an interesting and a useful experience.

The English teachers of NMS – Ostermiething.



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