Elternverein Zusammensetzung
In der Jahreshauptversammlung vom 1. Juli 2015 wurde der Vorstand des Elternvereins der Volks- und Neuen Mittelschule Ostermiething neu gewählt.
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Erste „FAIRTRADE-Schule“ im Bezirk Braunau
Bei prachtvollem Sommerwetter versammelte sich die Schulgemeinschaft der NMS Ostermiething rund um den Schulbrunnen, um im Rahmen des 5. Ostermiethinger FAIRTRADE-Festes die Auszeichnung „FAIRTRADE-School“ entgegen zu nehmen.
Adrie Danner überreichte die Urkunde und das Transparent an Direktor Hermann Pohn und an das FAIRTRADE-Schulteam und bedankte sich in ihrer Ansprache für das große Engagement der Schule, sich aktiv für den fairen Handel einzusetzen.
Report on the ENGLISH DAY 2015
On March 20th, the pupils attending the 4th form, took part in our fifth “English Day”. Their regular timetable was changed, and English was spoken all the morning in different subjects.
In the PE lesson Mrs Russinger introduced a game called “soft ball” with simplified baseball rules. The kids had fun and they always tried to cheer their teams on in English.
In Geography the pupils “travelled” to Australia with Mrs. Frauscher who had recently spent four months” down under”.
English Day at Primary Schools
Six groups of four to five pupils each from NMS-Ostermiething went to the surrounding primary schools and spent two lessons together with our next-year pupils.
They were learning new words in order to create *Wanted-posters*. Our pupils taught them excellently and that’s why the young learners were able to introduce themselves and to talk about their hobbies and favourite things in the end.
A nice idea to get in touch with our next-year-pupils!